
My New Tumblr Pages

Please take a look at my new Tumblr pages Pablo's Words of Wisdom and Pablo's Song Lyrics I will continue to post here also, Tumblr just seems easier in some ways with more variety of content that I can share to the world.


Today I was thinking about many things and accomplishments, most importantly, the people who have brought joy to my life and have given me a reason to sing. For anyone who knows my background, you would know for me to feel accomplished and appreciated is hard for me, and to think someone actually appreciates me and is happy by my presence means the whole world to me. Even gives me hope to heal my past and look ahead to a great future. With this feeling comes thankfulness for all of the good that has happened and for you who have made me smile after the heavy rain and clouds, thankful for a friend to listen and a realisation that indeed the Universe is smiling on me and God has not forgotten me. Thank you for you!!

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom for 2018: In everything you do, put God first, and He will guide and direct you. Our children are the future of this world. Train your children in the way they should go, and they will never depart from it. In my life I want to be kind and show concern for everyone, because God loved all of us. If God had intended today to be perfect, He wouldn't have invented tomorrow. He gives you another chance to get it right! When the person I care about is away, a part of my heart is also away. True love is not just sexual feeling, but the feeling that I want to spend the rest of my life with this person and care for them as I would care for myself. O God, Bless those for whom life is unhappy. Bless those who are underpaid and overworked, and those who are always tired. Bless those who are always taken for granted, and those who are never thanked, or praised or appreciated. Bless those for whom life is lonely and empty, and those whom illness has handicapped or laid aside. Ble...

A Little About Me

My name is Pablo Rodriguez born in Miami, and both of my parents are of Basque ancestory, in particular my mother's. My father is from Cuba, with Basque and Sefardic Jewish background. My mother's family had lived in various parts of the western United States from Louisiana to Arizona, but originally coming from Donostia (San Sebastián) area of the Basque Country. I learned what I know of the language from my Amona (Grandmother) while she was alive. Growing up though we mostly spoke Spanish as my father did not speak Basque and the subject of that strange language that Grandma spoke was never discussed. I lived many places in my life including Samoa, Philippnes, Hawai'i, California, back to Miami and now in Atlanta (only for a moment). My interest in Basque began about 10 years ago at the time that I returned to the United States, the doctors did various test on me to make sure I had not picked up any exotic disease in the foreign lands, everything checked out perfectly fin...

Gehiago Naiz Maitemintzen

Itxi itzazu begiak, eman eskua Ez al da ba egia maite nauzula? Jasotako eskutitzak aldatu egin du nere bizitza Zurekin naizelarik orain hauxe aitortu nahi dizut nik Zeruko izarrak distiratsu daudenean Arreta jarri hauetariko batean Ortzian piztu ta ihes egiten badu Hari begira desio bat eska ezazu... Izandako ametsa egi bihurtu da Zu gabe nuen hutsa desagertua Jasotako eskutitzak aldatu egin du nire bizitza Zurekin naizelarik orain hauxe aitortu nahi dizut nik Zeruko izarrak distiratsu daudenean Arreta jarri hauetariko batean Ortzian piztu ta ihes egiten badu Hari begira desio bat eska ezazu... Zure hitzak Irakurtzen. Gehiago naiz Maitemintzen. Zuretzat muxu batSoilik amets bat da. Desio hau azkenik. Betetzea nahi dut nik...Izar uxoa ihes egiten badu..Izar uxoa desio bat eskatu..Zer moduz? Gaur beti bezala zutaz oroituz. Laster egonen gara. Zure hitzak Irakurtzen Gehiago naiz Maitemintzen Zuretzat muxu batSoilik amets bat daDesio hau azkenik Betetzea nahi dut nik. How do you do? Today ...